
All posts tagged workout

“Simple yet highly effective!”- Jillian Michaels –

Published March 23, 2012 by Joy

Ok, I know we all probably could lose a few pounds and with the Summer weather already here. I really need to kick it in High gear… The winter was NOT kind to me in any way possible! (I stated the winter 15lbs lighter than I am now, I know I know…)

I’m not going to broadcast what I weigh but I would like to lose 20 pounds… And would be excited to lose 25 lbs… But that is a long way off…

So here I am this week beginning Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD workout program. I have had this DVD for at least a year now, if not more, and just now taking it out of the shrink-wrap. I hope I’m not the only one who buys workout stuff and leave it in the way I bought it!?!?

As of today day 3 is over!

What I like:

–          It is circuit training

–          2 minute warm-up

–          3 separate circuits, with each one having 3 minute sculpt, 2 minute cardio, and 1 minute abs…

–          And there are different workout levels: level 1, level 2 and level 3.. each getting harder as you progress.

–          All you need are hand weights and a mat if you have hard floors.

Because I am just starting, I’m doing the level 1 workout which I will be doing for about 10 days and then move on to Level 2…

So far so good…

It’s nice because the exercises you do keep changing.. I know that I will only be doing 2 sculpting exercises for 3 minutes and then changing to cardio for 2 minutes and abs only a minute – which is good because I get sick of abs by the time the minute is over… Before you know it you are done with your workout… The best part of any workout is when it is over 😉

Your complete workout is done within 22 minutes (that includes warm up and cool down).

So day 3 is done for now and lets see what next week brings…